Month: October 2024


The experimenters will try their best to cultivate the strength in the real world, that is, to help them guard the destiny star.

Even some testers will form an alliance, and when one side enters the world, the other side will help guard it, so that it will rotate alternately to ensure the safety of the stars. Qin Changfeng carefully examines every corner…


Lin chengdong is badly hurt and needs to find a place to rest and deal with the wound.

Xiaoliang walked behind and turned to look at the wasteland. "We must find a place to build a building, or their identity will be confirmed, and we will be able to go out at dawn." "If you want to make…


Swallow’s eyes flashed a little surprise and nodded slightly and praised, "This flame fairy method is even not low!"

Liu Tongling’s facial expression said nothing. Jiang Li of Tianhuo Temple looks dignified. Skyfire Hall can stand on Longyuanxing because it is known for its flame path. Her father owns a book called Skyfire Daoism, but Huang factorial is very…


But the more honest, the more farmers are bullied to the limit, and the more horrible it is!

Either die in silence or explode in silence. 兔逼急了还咬人呢仙农宗忍可忍他们一路杀昆仑山赫然将昆仑山山门打碎压昆仑闭门不出杀昆仑屁滚尿流! 昆仑也逼急了请来各路祖师各种界仙人结果都是被刨死了最后锄头刨根昆仑山将昆仑一分五 当时此事天皆惊使天群雄认识到昆仑也不是那永远敌在 被昆仑挟持道汉朝廷暗中诏联合诸多门派反抗昆仑 此昆仑大势崩溃门中分裂东南西北五大主脉数分支 语是道汉因昆仑崩溃失去了支柱因此也是覆灭了! 虽然昆仑挟持道汉但是也保护了道汉一荣皆荣一损皆损!” 林大掌柜怒道“你在这里讲古呢? 我意思这个家伙根基硬不硬!” “大掌柜不好说不是猛龙不过江!” 林大掌柜想了想说道“既然不好说那就不能太过分了 天联他们 试着可分销一部分灵肥给他们一盒个灵石这价格应该可了 这个灵肥十分不凡我们分销一部分也能赚不少 不过压太狠他们怕是不愿意所还是老办法天先打压一 找人乱他们场坏他们买卖造谣破坏说他们次充好 到时候我们做好人最好能包销来实在不行分销一部分也可” “大掌柜我感觉天他们长不了 雷魔堂可不是好惹他们这个浴火重生这是动了雷魔堂雷神土……” “嗯天看看如果他们被雷魔堂收拾了那我们包销岂不是更是易?” "Big boss, you are really unpredictable!" In the distant thunder magic hall,…


It is said that the shape of Dharma in China has slightly changed into an auspicious cloud. After leaving the Ciyun Temple, Dharma immediately entered the Daqian State Hall and put the bodhi branches into the pure sunshine thunder sea.

A slight shock put the Pu branch in the west of Chunyang Leihai, and Huang Zhongli in the east of Chunyang Leihai. As soon as this branch was put into the pure sunshine thunder sea, it immediately turned into a…



Qin Yu gave the old cat a big snot after hearing the excitement. "You are my little Zhuge." The old cat suddenly squinted at me for a long time. "Will you hit me again?" "pa!" Zhu Wei slapped him from…


The primary Dan medicine, including the martial arts, can be used to nourish the blood soup. The success rate of that thing can be 99% if you learn the basics.

Many beginners have a very high success rate. Because there is no technical content at all, it is like making tea. But who else will fail? That’s because we don’t make Yangxue decoction according to the routine, and there will…


Wang Yue sneered at a pair of Guo Fu and said, "What are they doing out of town? Let’s go, these two guys. "

Wang Yue and Guo Fu went to the "Guo Fu" just to see Guo Jing rushing around. Chapter 155 Rushing into the barracks Yang Guo sitting in the room drinking tea eyebrows slightly wrinkled helpless sample is obviously considering such…


However, the martial purgatory is condensed by several martial arts runes at the border barrier. It’s not that this virtual hag can walk away if he wants to!

Boom The virtual hag crashed into the boundary of Wudao purgatory and made a loud noise. The skin was burnt black and the whole person fell to the ground and returned to purgatory. "I said don’t let me see it…